Aurkene Belasco-Armandariz (Hatchery Manager)

Aurkene is originally from Pamplona, Spain, and. She has a Master's Degree in Aquaculture from the National University of Ireland Galway, and an Honors Batchelor's Degree in Marine Sciences from ULPGC, Spain. She has 9 years experience in growing abalone, worked as abalone researcher in ICCM, Gran Canaria, Spain and as hatchery manager in Brandon Bay Seafood and Feirm Eisc in Cape Clear, Co. Cork before joining Connemara Abalone as hatchery manager in 2007. Aurkene is probably the most qualified and experienced expert in Ireland in the art and science of abalone husbandry. According to Aurkene, "Since coming to Connemara Abalone I have felt at home and enjoy being part of the team. I believe this is the ideal place to put all my knowledge and skills together to rear abalone. The high quality of the Atlantic water and high standard maintained in the farm make for top class abalone."
At this point, it is fair to say that Cindy and Aurkene are undoubtedly the two most skilled and experienced abalone aquaculturists in Ireland. Their abalone are happy and healthy animals, as evidenced by the uninhibited exuberance with which they eat, grow, and reproduce. Their health is also certified, of course, by the Irish Food Safety Authority.